There is no denying how challenging it can be to make your way as an aspiring indie artist. It’s a highly competitive industry, after all! There are so many people out there clamoring for the attention of your potential fanbase, which can lead to problems of irrelevance for those who have the talent to get the job done.
The issue of wasted talent
The idea that you can eventually push forward and earn a musical career if you work hard enough is an excellent notion – and it has worked in a variety of cases for many people. However, it does not mean that success is always met with hard work alone. The result is many talented artists whose work is left in the wayside due to the strange ways in which building an audience often works.
While it does not mean that there is no chance for those interested only in hard work, it is undoubtedly a more challenging road to attain success.
The dawn of Spotify
Known as one of the fore-runners in today’s current industry, Spotify continues to surprise by boosting the careers of those knowledgeable enough to make use of its many nuanced features. That said, it is still rather early on in the life cycle, which means that a lot of people are confused when it comes to building a fanbase. As stated above, it is not enough to have talent – it is also crucial to pushing forward in innovative ways. If you want to get Spotify plays, it is essential to know the ins and outs of the platform and to find different ways of taking advantage.
It all starts with the song
There is no point in being an indie music artist and kickstarting your career if you are not interested in writing your music. That said, there is also the potential of covering the most popular songs of today, but it requires quite a bit more effort to build a fanbase. Writing music should come naturally, and you should take your time when it comes to the first building block of your career. Once you have written a song you feel is enough to show the world just what you’re all about, the next step would be to get it on the Spotify platform.
The best way to get it done is by making use of a digital distributor. There are plenty available on the market today, and they also have the added advantage of helping you when it comes to Spotify promotion. While it might take some doing to convince a distributor, it is the best way of ensuring that you can start your career in Spotify and push your music forward to a potential fanbase.
Going the extra mile
Once you have put your song up in Spotify, then comes the fun part of promoting your work. While the distributor will undoubtedly get the job done in a variety of ways, don’t forget that you are the face of your marketing campaign! You don’t have to stick to the realm of Spotify to push your work; you can make use of social media platforms to get the job done. You do not have to advertise your music consistently. Still, it would be a good idea to consider Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms as a potential baseline for your marketing campaign. You can also ask the distributor for advice.
The smoking gun
As if that was not enough, there is also the added advantage that you get when you buy Spotify plays. Some might not be interested in buying plays for their account, but it might surprise you just how much it can help propel your journey to stardom. The more plays you have, the easier it will be to convince potential supporters to give your content a listen. By this point, it would be a great idea to work on a new song!
Buying Spotify plays from Buy Social Today will help cement your position, especially if you are still working hard to try to stay afloat as an indie artist. While your career is all about what you can personally accomplish, it does not mean that you have to do all the work. Just like hiring a distributor to act as the middleman, it is also crucial that you get help from others to get the job done. Sometimes, all anyone ever needs is a supportive push from anyone else to ensure that you can be the best you can be.
If you’re interested in kick starting your career as a genuine music artist to be taken seriously, the best thing would be to follow the steps above to help push your career into superstardom. The road to fame and fortune awaits!